Pipe-End Finishing

The Arcon nameplate stands for excellence in rotary cut-off and end-facing equipment. With their extensive design expertise, Arcon can provide advantages in facing, deburring and end profiling for a wide range of seamless and welded tube mills. Their global installations have given them the experience necessary to compete regardless of customer specifications. Arcon focuses on providing the right machine and control system for each customer's requirements and places an emphasis on both flexibility and design excellence.
While most end-facing operations utilise a single head machine, Arcon introduced a twin-head machine for improved speed and productivity to keep up with today's high-speed production lines. Arcon also offers a cut-off capable of cutting a broad range of sizes in pipe, casing, tubing, roller bearing and coupling stock saving valuable floor space, while also able to end chamfer and machine the outside and inside diameters.
Incorporates rotating with a stationary tool cutting method
Cutting and End-facing, satisfies API line pipe finishing with one
Automatic ream and chamfer assembly for O.D. or I.D., or cut to
centre line
Universal and standard chucking assemblies
Large main drive motors allow cutting with two tools, each a wide
carbide insert; long wearing even at 200 surface metres per
minute (600 fpm)
Electric tool slides stabilise the tools throughout the cut
O.D. Variations of less than 12 mm to over 660 mm and crop
lengths from a facing cut to 1 metre
Operation in fully automatic, automatic with manual pipe position
override, semi-automatic and manual
Improve throughput with multiple head facing machines and
custom material handling system
Any length pipe variation and properly cut random lengths
Any wall thickness
Reduced set-up time with remote, automatic tool setting
Built on electronic elevating jack base for vertical adjustment for
varying tube O.D.
Top opening pipe clamps and separate alignment stations reduce
cycle times
Fully automatic equipment operation with state-of-the-art Level
1 or 2 interface
Carbide dry cutting tools
High-output, double-headed machines, utilising walking beam
transfer can be custom designed for high speed finishing lines
O.D. chamfers can be tailored to customer's specifications via
automation package
Superior machine stability due to the fixed head centre height
design along with hydraulic clamps reduces tool chatter and
vibration, improving surface finish
Heavy-duty design ensures long life and low maintenance even in
the harshest steel environments
Crop manipulator robot to remove heavy cut crop with automatic
deposit into a crushing press for compact scrap storage
Crushing press for crush testing of ERW product
Chip conveyor system with scrap chute and bucket
Front and back stop gauges for cutting exact pipe lengths